Making a payment ================ This section assumes that a ``Payment`` class has been defined, and at least one provider has been configured. First create a :class:`Payment` instance:: from decimal import Decimal from payments import get_payment_model Payment = get_payment_model() payment = Payment.objects.create( variant='default', # this is the variant from PAYMENT_VARIANTS description='Book purchase', total=Decimal(120), tax=Decimal(20), currency='USD', delivery=Decimal(10), billing_first_name='Sherlock', billing_last_name='Holmes', billing_address_1='221B Baker Street', billing_address_2='', billing_city='London', billing_postcode='NW1 6XE', billing_country_code='GB', billing_country_area='Greater London', customer_ip_address='', ) And then redirect the user to your payment handling view. Payment amounts --------------- The :class:`Payment` instance provides two fields that let you check the total charged amount and the amount actually captured:: >>> Decimal('181.38') >>> payment.captured_amount Decimal('0') Payment statuses ---------------- A payment may have one of several statuses, that indicates its current state. The status is stored in ``status`` field of your :class:`Payment` instance. Possible statuses are: ``waiting`` Payment is waiting for confirmation. This is the first status, which is assigned to the payment after creating it. ``input`` Customer requested the payment form and is providing the payment data. ``preauth`` Customer has authorized the payment and now it can be captured. Please remember, that this status is only possible when the ``capture`` flag is set to ``False`` (see :ref:`capture-payments` for details). ``confirmed`` Payment has been finalized or the the funds were captured (when using ``capture=False``). ``rejected`` The payment was rejected by the payment gateway. Inspect the contents of the ``payment.message`` and ``payment.extra_data`` fields to see the gateway response. ``refunded`` Payment has been successfully refunded to the customer (see :ref:`refunding` for details). ``error`` An error occurred during the communication with the payment gateway. Inspect the contents of the ``payment.message`` and ``payment.extra_data`` fields to see the gateway response. Fraud statuses -------------- Some gateways provide services used for fraud detection. You can check the fraud status of your payment by accessing ``payment.fraud_status`` and ``payment.fraud_message`` fields. The possible fraud statuses are: ``unknown`` The fraud status is unknown. This is the default status for gateways, that do not involve fraud detection. ``accept`` Fraud was not detected. ``reject`` Fraud service detected some problems with the payment. Inspect the details by accessing the ``payment.fraud_message`` field. ``review`` The payment was marked for review.